Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Plan a Game Scene

My vision for this game is like a school yard after school where all the kids are released. what I am hoping for this game scene is that people will be able to clean the school of the drugs that the teens are using/abusing. The main part is the out side of the school and after they complete the out side they could also get to go into the gym or the back entrance where the buses drop of and pick up the students. What I am excited about in my game is that it will be made into an actual game in flash, but it may be a challenge since it will be my first game and my first time with flash.


  1. i like how you are prepared for your game with bright ideas! i'm very looking forward in playing your game.Drugs must be one tough thing to rid of the streets these days but you will help kids understand that drugs are bad in a fun and educational way.

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  3. I think that your game will be a great opportunity for kids to learn about drug abuse, since you're actually getting them involved in getting rid of them. That way, they can categorize drugs as bad things.As for flash, I'll have just as much of a challenge as you, since I've never used flash before either. Keep up the good work!
