Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Plan a Game Scene

My vision for this game is like a school yard after school where all the kids are released. what I am hoping for this game scene is that people will be able to clean the school of the drugs that the teens are using/abusing. The main part is the out side of the school and after they complete the out side they could also get to go into the gym or the back entrance where the buses drop of and pick up the students. What I am excited about in my game is that it will be made into an actual game in flash, but it may be a challenge since it will be my first game and my first time with flash.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Frankenstorm 2012

I know a few people in New York , my aunt and uncle with their three kids. If if was to make a hidden object game about Frankenstorm my setting would be Central Park. The ten items I would hide in my game is: A Person, a dog, a car, some knocked over trees, a fish, a bench, a suitcase, parts of a house, an ambulance, and a 1st response team. The way people would get information from this game is they would click on a hidden object and a message would pop up, lets say they find the ambulance then something the message would say is ______ people where left injured or have died. If the would click on the parts of a house then something the message would say is _______ people are left without a home from strong winds and water damage.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chose a Learning Topic 1-5

1. My Big Subject Area is Teenage Drug Abuse.

2. One really important thing I learned about this subject is, its not just one drug that is getting abused its a lot.

3. People should learn that they shouldn't use or abuse drugs.

4. My hidden object game will teach people not to abuse drugs. 

5. Title of My Game: Live Above The Influence.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Choosing a Topic

My learning topic is Drug Abuse and how many people abuse drugs. My topic is a pretty big social issue because many people die from drug abuse and its not just one drug its a lot of drugs. Every day people find new things they call "drugs" like inhalants  and inhalants are things such as spray paint, who does something like that? I am hoping that this game teaches kids to not abuse drugs or to even use them. People don't just die from illegal drugs they abuse prescription drugs and things like cough syrup and die doing these things. Hopefully this game reaches out to others to know the harm of using and abusing drugs.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Play to Learn Part 1

What I learned from play to Learn Part 1 was what ingredients make up a good game and how we will be using flash. I learned that making games in flash to teach kids how to fix it is a good idea and maybe the problems will be fixed one at a time.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Class Dissmissed

Malala Yousufzai is a 14 year old girl from Pakistan. She began speaking out against the Taliban when she was 11 years old. On Wednesday, she was coming home from her school in a van and the Taliban came stopped the car and shot her to have her executed for speaking out and going to school. Malala lives in the Swat Valley which was once a beautiful tourist spot until the Taliban took it over. The Taliban announced on FM Radio over night that after January 15th, girls must not go to school. In Swat the girls are not allowed to go to school because if they where caught they would be killed. They have to pay their tuition to go to school, people have stopped paying and schools will not be able to keep going on. Teachers are losing their jobs because the girls school are being shut down or blown up by the Taliban. Malala's dream changed, now she wants to become a Politician now and not a Doctor because she believes that she can make a change for her country. The soldiers that took refuge in the school are blaming Malala's dad and people like him for the war on girls education. Malala and her father were filled with sadness because Swat used to be a Paradise and now its a messed up bad land but they were filled with joy knowing their house and school survived the attack. The items Malala was most excited to see where her books and school work, these items were the most valuable to her because its her diary entries and all the things she learned in school.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Presidential Debate 1

I thought both Obama and Romney had very well thought out speeches except the fact that they got a bit carried away and went over the time limit. The issues the moderator brought up the economy for one and asked what they would do for jobs, the second issue was taxes, and the third that I heard was education and what they would do to help got the kids better education. What I understood was that Romney wants more jobs, trades, create better energy, and restoring the vitality of America. Obama wanted to keep the taxes and improving education, but he wants to only hire Math and Science teachers, and wants to boost American energy production. What was confusing to me was that Obama wants to hire just Math and Science teachers, but what about English or Social Studies? I thought Romney did a better job of getting his point out even though he might have been lying about the 5 trillion tax cut. To me Obama just wasn't really clear on what he wanted and it was like he just wanted to take Romney down.
Those are my thoughts on the Debate that was held on Oct. 3